
My eBook is on the Amazon Kindle Store! – Financial Advice: Thinking Outside of the Box


Am I excited? Me? Naaaah…wait, YES! I decided to make an update to my book “Financial Advice – Thinking Outside of the Box“, bringing it to a “Second Edition”. Amazon offered for it to be available in their Kindle store and without hesitation, I said….duuuuuh. Wouldn’t that be the most financially smart decision vs self-publication/promotion? Of course, it would be. Although I may hold a lot of online PR/SEO power, I do not so much in the market of books (….yet). The audiobook version (of the first version) has already been on Amazon, but nobody wants to listen to a financial book as much as they would rather read it. That was music to my ears and made me feel important for a few minutes. Then I got distracted by a friend calling who said she was bringing over pizza……

Money and success do *not* buy happiness. They do, however, help mute the other stresses in life and keep them at bay, helping you to focus less on those and more on the things that do bring you happiness.

My own practices of financial strategies and career improvement have made it easy to not worry so much about some stresses. For example…over the last 4 months or so, I have spent far much money than I had planned, chasing dreams. I have also seen very little work this month and last. Despite all of this, I can still maintain my bills without worrying about when the next paycheck will come in. Doesn’t exactly mean I am far ahead during these 4 months, but also doesn’t mean I am falling behind (and I can still pick myself back up and get back to running).

Thank you, Amazon for adding yet one more investment into my basket of securities. Regardless of how small or large it may turn out to be. I just hope the advice that I share within the book helps others as well.

Have a Kindle? Find it on Amazon here! (Only $2.99!)


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