TDCC is a very simple direct file transfer system. This option is for when you only want to serv one file, and not run a file server with multiple files. Simply set up the option within the Main Settings menu under the main menu at the top of the screen. There you will find the TDCC options. Once these these options have been set, then all you have to do is start the the TDCC server (same way you do a file server), by right clicking on a channel and going to Advertisments, and TDCC -- Start.

Also, unlike any other TDCC script, the Omeg Script offers the option to display the TDCC ad on "!list" just like you would a file server ad. ( so when people type '!list' into the channel, it will display the selected ads you enabled this feature for, to that person.

Warning: The show on !list feature can be very usefull, but, some servers are very strict so try not to enable too many of the (you can have a max of 5) tdcc ads, specially if your running a file server too, or you might face being kicked off that server for flooding.
